Alongside the participatory artistic actions and workshops, in 2022 Correspondence has started a series of artistic publishing products on the theme of dwelling.
At the same time a space made of paper and a platform for relations, these products present an investigation in the process that has ‘correspondence’ as its founding principle and the aim of highlighting the interconnections between human dwelling and the place that hosts it.
To date, Correspondences is in the process of designing and publishing its third editorial product, which will be released in five episodes from January to September 2024.
April 2022
Independent art publication
Semi (Seeds) is the inaugural publication from Corrispondenze. The title reflects the metaphorical seeds embedded within the texts, which are intended to take root as readers engage with them. These seeds are poised to sprout into new ideas through the interconnection of stimuli and thoughts.
Semi explores the Turin region by narrating projects that examine space from various perspectives—artistic, anthropological, social, urbanistic, and naturalistic.
Erbario Urbano
by Simone Scardino, introduction by Andrea Lerda
Conversazione con Progetto RESCUE!
«Making a World»
Esplorare la compresenza sul territorio della Dora
by Roxana Salahoru
Cosa vuol dire per te abitare uno spazio?
by Paola Boscaini and Cristina Materassi
Dicember 2022
Independent art publication
Limite gathers contributions that explore the experience of inhabiting permeable and contradictory borders, envisioning radical spaces of possibility.
The border, as a concept of limit, takes on relational qualities that challenge the very notion of a boundary. Through images, reflections, and narratives, the pieces compiled in Limite shed light on the complexities and divisions of our time, aiming to envision and create space for alternative worlds.
500 mt around me
by Chiara Pavolucci
Quando torno a casa / Ho coltivato un vuoto e l’ho riempito di senso
by Ettore Morandi
Strada Provinciale
by Alessandra Baldon
Sei comoda?
by Matilda Elia
by Tessa Viganò
by Fabio Cipolla
Attraversa il confine
by Zoya Shokoohi
by Caos
Metalli pesanti
by Vittorio Zampinetti, Alba Melcolella, Fernanda Torre
Costruire sorte
by Davide Ribaldo
Mondi Sottili
by Stefania Balocco
Forme uniche
by Arianna Scubla
by Elisa Pietracito e Benedetta Chiari
by Marta Caproni
by Mattia Varini e Federico Ferrari
by Letizia Monti
Son(n)o in lotta
by Ilvis Punto
by Valeria Pierini
Un’impresa di esistenza: oltre i l confine dell’informazione
by Floriana Savino
Sta di casa qui. Lotte e nuovi immaginari per città future
by Alessandra Baldon
Corpi e spazi urbani:
il 104 di Parigi e una nuova narrazione comunitaria
by Laura Massaroli
Abitare l’isola
by Alberto Poliseri
Sul bordo del cerchio I corpi opachi ai margini dei confini sociali
by Tessa Viganò
falia* : l’arte ai confini
by Tessa Viganò
Il venditore di sogni e Confine
by Mathieu Porcellana
Conversazione con Casa Walser
with Giovanno Bovolin, Federico Zamboni and Brenno Franceschi
Alessandra Baldon
January – September 2024
Independent art publication
Archive aims to explore the actions of researching, collecting, and archiving in our time, and how these activities are interconnected with the way we perceive and represent the spaces we inhabit. By amalgamating personal research, collective projects, and spatial investigations, this publication encourages the exploration of intimate and personal perspectives, serving as a starting point for examining pressing issues of our time.
If we regard archiving as the daily activity of preserving fragments of personal and collective memory, our homes and daily actions can be seen as the filing cabinets of our society. The landscape and its morphological structure can be interpreted as an archive of the transformation of nature into history, with marginal places as spaces to be rediscovered and reimagined.
Archive is being developed in five parts throughout 2024. The first four booklets present the editorial transposition of four artistic projects, realized through a process of collaboration between the editors and the participants. The fifth volume offers a collection of texts analyzing the theme from various perspectives, alongside a creative reinterpretation of these insights by a group of students.
vol. A
Off Your Shoes
by Belhassen Handous, Joanna Pianka, Tomash Schoiswohl
tecnical info: January 2024, 38 pages, 21 x 14,8 cm, singer stitch
proofreader: Ofelia Tondi
design: Paola Boscaini
in collaboration with: philomena+, Vienna
+ Report from the panel discussion held by: Azizou Chehou, Wael Garnaoui, Leonie Jantzer, Thameur Mekki, Mariama Nzinga Diallo, Petar Rosandić aka Kid Pex
vol. B
Archives of the Earth
by Isadora Alves e Christoph Matt
tecnical infos: March 2024, 38 pages, 21 x 14,8 cm, stapled
photo by: Buero Ludwina
design by: DEAR DEER
in collaboration with: HDK-Valand & Iceland University of the Arts
vol. C
by Gianlorenzo Nardi e Tommaso Silvestroni
tecnical infos: May 2024, 16 pagine, 21 x 29,7 cm, spillato
proofreader: Alessandra Baldon
design by: Gianlorenzo Nardi, Tommaso Silvestroni, Cristina Materassi
vol. D
Shaving a Kiwi
by Ying Liu
tecnical infos: July 2024, 30 pages, 21 x 14,8 cm
proofreader: Alessandra Baldon
design by: Jing Liu, Cristina Materassi
in collaboration with: Sarmad Magazine
vol. E
You Get What you See
with contributions by:
Beatrice Brunetto, Livia Polacco, Bochra Taboubi + studenti LABA Rimini (Caterina Putaturo; Francesca Saccone; Filippo Casadei; Veronica Mantovani; Benedetta Bonifazzi; Sebastiano Zanon; Emanuela Petrillo; Giulia Marrapodi)
Technical details: September 2024, 28 pages, 21 x 14.8 cm / proofreader: Alessandra Baldon
September 2023
Collectable Cards from the Correspondence Archive
Occorrente per la corrispondenza (Items for Correspondence) presents a new form of the archive of thoughts about dwelling that Corrispondenze has been gathering, preserving, and sharing. This kit, through play and the joy of discovery, collection, and exchange, revitalizes and enriches the relational network central to the project. It offers the words already collected, as well as those yet to be uncovered, the chance to interact and expand in an endless array of possible definitions.
As of September 2023, the archive includes 156 thoughts and images, catalogued by geographical coordinates.
Collect them all and become part of our archive!
Inside this kit, you will find:
Geocaching in the vespasians of Bologna
Unusual objects and hidden treasures blend seamlessly into their surroundings, camouflaged by their intended functions. This treasure hunt, set in the city of Bologna, aims to elevate the historic public restrooms known as Vespasiani to the status of a public monument.
The project begins with the digital dissemination of geographical locations, requiring participants to engage in research and exploration within a space typically overlooked for such activities. By repurposing a digital platform, the work invites everyone to join in the search for hidden treasures, thus transforming the Vespasiani into a site of discovery and engagement.
Part of the Watercloset project, curated by Federico Zamboni, for Corneraholic a project by Massimo Bartolini
Video (15”), audio (19”), mappe, struttura mobile
Ho portato un pezzo di casa con me (I Brought a Piece of Home with Me)
is a mobile installation designed to create an intimate space within the public realm, allowing for a sense of welcome and hospitality wherever it travels. This eye-catching object sparks curiosity, provokes questions, and fosters conversation.
Through walking, observing the territory, and engaging with its inhabitants to gather stories, we aimed to understand a place deeply. Repeating this process allowed us to ritualize the space, integrating our experiences into its fabric.
What does it mean to inhabit a space? What defines home? Where is home? How does my dwelling differ from others’? What is the essence of living, and how does it manifest in the Borgo Dora neighborhood?
Driven by our curiosity about this historic district, we developed itineraries and suggested ways to explore and uncover the area. We explored its boundaries, observed its relationship with the river, and familiarized ourselves with its squares and gathering spots.
Site specific treasure hunt
Caccia al tesoro (Treasure Hunt) is a work in motion, in space and time. It invites exploration of Cumiana15 and Borgo San Paolo, encouraging participants to observe closely, refine their perception, and gain insight into the space and its underlying mechanisms.
Produced for the NOVISSIMI+ exhibition, curated by Associazione Gheddo
Embroidered modular felt carpet
2022 – in progress
Over the course of four days, a room at the Artillery in Turin was transformed into a dynamic space where ongoing conversations about dwelling were left by passers-by. This fabric space grew and evolved daily, piece by piece.
Participation in this project was crucial for the collaborative development of both thought and space. The fabric “carpet” did not adhere to a fixed shape but instead shifted in all directions, becoming symmetrical or asymmetrical based on the collective input. This ever-changing fabric space thus became a dynamic and adaptable archive, continually evolving with each new contribution.
*Collective embroidery actions*
Saturday 25 February 2023
Saturday 4 March 2023
Saturday 11 March 2020
Oggetti Specifici, Torino
During the group embroidery sessions at the Oggetti Specifici gallery for the exhibition Corrispondenze. Istruzioni per l’uso (Correspondences. Instructions for Use), participants were introduced to a fundamental embroidery stitch.
In a convivial atmosphere of exchange and discussion, they embroidered the words gathered during the performative action Conversazioni per fare spazio (Conversations to Make Space).
Corrispondenze is an artistic and editorial project, founded in Turin in 2021 by Paola Boscaini and Cristina Materassi, driven by a shared interest in exploring the theme of dwelling through collective inquiry.
Through practices of encounter and participation, Corrispondenze fosters shared reflection and investigation, exploring diverse perspectives on dwelling and transforming them into dynamic spaces for exchange, dialogue, and creation.
The project gathers stories, thoughts, and words, explores urban spaces through mapping, and proposes innovative methods of traversing them. It uses play as a tool for knowledge and as a means to create participatory spaces that reveal an urban fabric intertwined with the memories of its inhabitants, opening new spaces for imagination.
Since 2022, Corrispondenze has also evolved into an editorial project, conceived as a paper-based space for action: a dynamic platform for relationships and archiving, constantly evolving. The main research focus for 2024 centers on the connection between dwelling and archiving, culminating in a limited edition publication of five volumes, released from January to September 2024.
Paola Boscaini
Born in 1997 among the mountains of Trento, Paola began her academic studies in Visual Arts in Florence in 2016, completing them in Turin in early 2023. From April to September of that same year, she undertook a post-graduate internship in Vienna at the artistic space philomena+. Since 2024, she has been living in Bolzano, working in the field of cultural production with the cooperative Lungomare, and as a freelance graphic designer.
Through participatory art practices, photography, video, and editorial design, she brings together signs and memories to explore the concept of belonging and how it shapes the relationship between the territory and its inhabitants.
Cristina Materassi
Born in Florence in 1997, she lives and works in Turin, Italy. After graduating from the Academy of Fine Arts in Florence, she continued her studies in the painting master program at the Albertina Academy of Fine Arts in Turin.
Her artistic research delves into the intersections between imagination, collective storytelling, and the historical perception of places, with a particular interest in the connections established with the territories she traverses.
Deeply engaged in public dialogue and cultural dissemination, she collaborates as art and museum mediator with museums and cooperatives in Turin.
Marianna Rania (2021)
Vittorio Zampinetti (2022-ongoing)
Alessandra Baldon (2022-ongoing)
Ofelia Tondi (2023 – ongoing)
Storie di spazi, Teste Mobili festival, Piazza del Comune, Valdagno (VI), Italy, September 8, 2024 (workshop)
Launch of Archive vol. D “Shaving a Kiwi”, dokhuis, Doklaan 10, Rotterdam, July 6, 2024
Presentation of Archive vol. C “Tunnel”, Back Door, via Pinelli 45A, Turin, June 22, 2024
Immaginari indipendenti, Pericentrica tALk02, curated by Osservatorio Futura, Piazza Barcellona, Turin, May 22, 2024 (talk)
Presentation of Archive vol. 1 “Off Your Shoes”, Pressato bookshop, via Bellezia 16 B, Turin, February 9, 2024
Storie di spazi, Slavika Festival, Kontiki, Via Cigliano, 7/B, March 15, 2024 (workshop)
Launch of Archive vol. A “Off Your Shoes”, philomena+, Heinestraße 40, 1020 Vienna, January 13, 2024
Preview of Archive vol. B “Archives of the Earth”, MA Design & New Environments, Þverholt 11, 105 Reykjavík, Iceland, November 24, 2023
Opening of Corrispondenze. Istruzioni per l’uso, curated by Associazione Ghёddo, Oggetti Specifici, via Santa Giulia 32 bis, Turin, February 22, 2023 (solo exhibition)
Watercloset, in Corneraholic by Massimo Bartolini, curated by Federico Zamboni, public restrooms in Bologna, February 2-5
HUB of Creativity, Torino Creativa and Paratissima, Cortile del Maglio, Turin (TO), 2022 (artist residency)
Torino Creativa Award, 2022 (winning project)
Opening of NOVISSIMI +, first edition of the TO.BE call, curated by Associazione Ghëddo, Cumiana15, Turin, 2022 (group exhibition)
Presentation of Semi, in conversation with Simone Scardino, Osservatorio Futura, Progetto Diogene, Tram Diogene, Corso Verona / Corso Regio Parco, Turin, June 9, 2022
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